Thursday, May 28, 2009

Florida Supreme Court Amends Florida Rules of Civil Procedure to Add Complex Litigation Rule

Today, in a 4-3 decision, the Florida Supreme Court issued an opinion on the management of complex civil cases [In Re: Amendments To The Florida Rules of Civil Procedure – Management of Cases Involving Complex Litigation (SC08-1141 )]. Justice Pariente wrote the decision for the majority, Justice Labarga wrote a concurring opinion and Justice Polston wrote a dissenting opinion in which Chief Justice Quince and Justice Canady joined. The amendments are effective immediately with the exception of the amendments to form 1.997 (Civil Cover Sheet) and new form 12.928 (Family Court Cover Sheet) which become effective January 1, 2010, at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 2010.

The Court amended Florida Rules of Civil Procedure 1.100 (Pleadings and Motions), 1.200 (Pretrial Procedure), and 1.440 (Setting Action for Trial), Florida Family Law Rule of Procedure 12.100 (Pleadings and Motions), and Forms for Use with Rules of Civil Procedure 1.997 (Civil Cover Sheet) and 1.998 (Final Disposition Form). The Court adopted new rules 1.201 (Complex Litigation) and 12.201 (Complex Litigation), form 1.999 (Order Designating A Case Complex), and Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.928 (Family Court Cover Sheet).

Rule 1.201 is long and provides extensive requirements. The new and amended rules can be found in the opinion by clicking on the link.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the information. I have updated the Changes to the Rules and created the new Rule 1.201 on

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