Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Peggy Quince entered an order relating to residential foreclosures. The order requires, among other things, a mediation for all residential foreclosures. The order can be viewed on the Florida Supreme Court's web site at THIS link.
Florida Chief Financial Officer, and candidate for Governor, "commended the Florida Supreme Court order recommending a statewide managed mediation program for Florida’s homeowners." The entire press release can be found at THIS link.
An article in the Palm Beach Post THIS link. The article quotes Sharon Bock, Palm Beach County's comptroller and clerk of court. The following is a quote from the article:
Sharon Bock, Palm Beach County's comptroller and clerk of the circuit court, said she's concerned that while it may alleviate judge workload, it could increase paperwork for her employees.
Foreclosure mediation has been optional in Palm Beach County for at least a year. Bock believes mandatory mediation isn't a role the court should play.
"This process moves the courts from calling balls and strikes, from creating a level playing field, into the realm of a social service agency, picking sides," she said.
The Florida Supreme Court's Administrative Order is below:
Florida Supreme Court Foreclosure Administrative Order (AOSC09-54) The Task Force that led to the entry of the Administrative Order was discussed HERE. Some of the mandatory foreclosure programs throughout the state were discussed on April 25, 2009 HERE. Additionally, the Florida Supreme Court released the 2008-2009 foreclosure statistics were I recently posted HERE.
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