Friday, September 4, 2009

ABA Journal Accecpting Nominations For Its Blawg 100 - Its List Of The 100 Best Legal Blogs

The ABA Journal is taking nominations for inclusion in its annual "Blawg 100" which is its "annual list of the 100 best legal blogs."  To nominate a legal blog, fill out the Blawg 100 Amici form here.  They provided a  few suggestions [rules] for the Blawg 100 Amici which are copied below:
Tell us about a blawg you read regularly that you think other lawyers should know about. Keep it pithy—you have a 500-character limit. We’ll be including some of the best comments in our coverage.
Some additional tips:

• We’re not interested in “occasional” blawgs—blawgs you name should be updated at least weekly.

• We’ll ignore comments from authors suggesting their own blawgs. That’s just plain tacky.

• Campaigns to flood us with comments about a particular blog will turn us off. And you don’t want to do that, because the editors make the final decisions about what’s included in the Blawg 100.


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