Monday, September 14, 2009

Google Fast Flip, Justice O'Connor On Judicial Elections And Articles By Toobin And Rosen

Google has a new service called Google Fast Flip, and Business Week has an article about it here.  It looks interesting. The article states:  "Google Inc. is testing a new format that is supposed to make reading online stories as easy as flipping through a magazine, a shift that eventually could feed more advertising sales to revenue-starved publishers."

Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor spoke out against judicial elections in this AP article. "She told a sold-out audience that threats to judicial independence are rising exponentially as more and more money pours into judicial races around the country."

Jeffrey Toobin wrote this article titled "Bench Press: Are Obama’s judges really liberals?"

Jeffrey Rosen has this op-ed in the New York Times titled "The Trial of John Roberts."


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